Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Weekend 09

Okay ladies...I will be at Morgantown this weekend from Saturday morning (or maybe late Friday night) until Monday afternoon. I really hope to meet you all that are going this weekend. I wonder how we are all going to recognize each other? Just wanted to send an updated message out since the V-day weekend is upon us. ((HUGS)))


ksolivio said...

We will be their Sunday......

Susan-David's.Wife said...

Hello everyone, we (my mom and two sons) will be there Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. This is our first visit to M'town and I don't know what to expect. Do any of you have any advice for me? I read over the rules (might I say there were so many) and I was wondering if there was anything else I needed to know. I will be visiting Friday with my two boys 18 mos. and 8 yr old. Saturday will be my 8 yr. old and me then I plan on visiting solo on Sunday. You won't be able to miss me...I am only 5'1" on a good day, were as my husband is 6'2" and my 8yr old is about as tall as I am. Oh yea, my youngest will probably be screaming the whole time. Can't wait to meet.

May Day said...

Hey Debbie and Susan,

I will be there Friday, Saturday, and Monday. I will keep my eyes open for you guys. Have a wonderful Valentine's visit with your loved ones. I am also short, 5 foot even, and I have medium brown hair, my husband has white hair. Be careful, and don't worry, they are pretty nice there...God bless, Becky

Melanie said...

I will be there Sat. - Mon. I am 5'2 have long curly read hair, 3 boys and Chance is about 6ft. and we will most likely be the only interracial (black & white) couple there. Remember girls try not to draw too much attention by speaking with one another during visits. They can cancel our visits over that. I will send an email with my # in case anyone needs anything or just needs to talk while up there. I lived in Morgantown for 6 yrs. and I visit my family there a few times a year, even before Chance went there. So, if you need directions or any thing feel free to call, I should be able to help ya out.

leeann1963 said...

My advice, Enjoy!

Debbie said...
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Debbie said...

When I made the comment about how will we recognize everyone, I just thought it would be funny to be sitting next to one of you ladies and not know who you are!!!! I Didn't mean for us to all have a party there.. I agree..we can meet afterwards, etc....Can't wait...

Debbie said...

hey Susan..it is kinda like visiting a busy hospital waiting room...only there are guards...the first visit was the hardest, but after that,,it got way better...I don't have a young child..so I can't help you there....HOpe everything goes smoothly for you!!!

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