Saturday, January 31, 2009


I got this in a forward this to everyone you have ever known email. I thought it describes the people in the group.

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps
himself and doesn't feel even the least bit weird
shutting your 'Pepsi drawer ' with her foot!

A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend shoulder is soggy from your tears..

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real fiend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party. A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it!

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over whenyou have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

A simplefriend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

Friday, January 30, 2009

We are now linked to this site. We are listed under the support group tab. Thank you Jaime!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Second Chance Act for Ex-Offenders

Mark and I spoke last night and came up with three avenues we could use to pursue this.

1. Contact the point person for Rep. Davis D-IL and see if they would entertain the idea of combining the "Good Time Bill and Second Chance Act for Ex-Offenders".

2. Start a letter writting campaign to ex-offends of public notoriety. IE; G Gordon Liddy, Rep. Andrew J. Hinshaw, R-Calif., Rep. Charles Diggs Jr., D-Mich., Rep. Michael Myers, D-Pa., Rep. John Murphy of New York, Frank Thompson of New Jersey, John Jenrette of New Jersey, Raymond Lederer of South Carolina, Rep. Mario Biaggi, D-N.Y., Rep. Mel Reynolds, D-Ill.,
Rep. Walter Tucker III, D-Calif., Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D-Ill., Marion Jones, Richard Hatch, Wesley Snipes, just to name a few.

3. To emphasize that by giving the millions of ex-offenders a second chance at sucessful careers the tax base would increase dramitically.

If anyone has contact with Rep Davis's office let me know so you can become our "point person" on this.

If everyone would start collecting names of ex-offenders, try to find a contact address or email address, send them to me I will put them in a document and get it out to everyone.

Does anyone want to draft a letter for us to use as a templete or example?

Lets get to work! The wheels of our governement turn VERY slowly, so we need to start today!

Questions call me. 252-944-6980

Monday, January 26, 2009

2255 Motions and the People Who Will Rip You Off

Lee Ann who started this blog asked me to make a post on it, so here it comes.

I was a lawyer for 17 years and got into some trouble and ended up in Federal Prison as many others do. I wrote a book about life in Federal Prison and how you can be prepared and make the best of it. It can be found at WWW.FedsGotMe.Com I also did another book for families of inmates. It tells you how some things work in Federal Prison and it also tells you how to cope with Supervised Release and Halfway House, to keep you from going back to prison. It can be found at WWW.GettingOutofPrison.Com. I spent a long time (say 2 years) writing these manuals and I do actually keep them up to date with the latest things you can find about the subject. I would suggest that anyone here take the time to look at those sites. They also have photos of some prisons on them (more to come in the near future too).

I teach people about making the transition to prison life. I also teach them about those who do not have their best interests at heart. This post is about some of them.

This is more of a caution a lot of people who will legally take as much of your money as they possibly can. In the prison business (on the outside), you are going to find a lot of people willing to separate you from your money. They are “prison consultants”.

There is no training or regulation with this group (and I guess I’m one of them too in a way). If you have a problem with a lawyer, you can go to the State Bar Association who can help you straighten out a fee dispute or something. A lawyer is licensed. These people are not.

Some are fairly good and to some extent actually know what they are doing. There is me and Gareth Lasky (He does work involving RDAP and can be found at WWW.Glasky.Com) that I think you can trust, there may be a few others too. Generally, you need to be very cautious.

Generally you will find a few things here. First, they will promise you anything you want. If there is something you need, they will tell you they can handle it for you. They will also tell you they have a good “win” record. The one thing to remember in criminal law is that the deck is generally stacked against you. You should lose most anything. Things like furloughs and transfers, even if you meet all the qualifications, are routinely denied. Other motions win a small percentage of the time. If someone says write a check, and I’ll get you what you want, you may want to reconsider what you really want.

If you want a 2255 Motion (which is a motion to set aside, vacate or correct a sentence), it has to be done by one of two people. Either you do it and file it yourself or you have a lawyer do it for you and the lawyer files it. Why? Because when it gets filed someone swears they did it.

If you have a “consultant” (one who is not licensed to practice law) ghostwrite it for you to file; eventually time comes to argue it in front of a judge. It will take the Judge and the US Attorney about 5 seconds to figure out that you didn’t do the motion and you swore that you made the motion. So now you lied to the court, chances are you are not going to get anything (and you only get one chance to make this motion) and there is a chance you are going to prosecuted for fraud (like you need another Federal charge now).

So to have someone who isn’t a lawyer do it for you is asking for a disaster. Also what does one cost? A lot. For someone decent to do one, expect to pay over $20,000. So if someone says they can take care of it for $3000 or $7000, chances are they are not going to do it or what they produce is not going to be a quality product.

2255 Motions are hard to win for experienced post conviction attorneys. They also have to spend about 2 years in process, so don't expect an answer from one very soon.

There are also consultants who will promise about anything you want as far as the prison you want to go to, or try to get you a transfer, furlough, or something else. As you read my manual you will find that prison designation is handled by the BOP based on what the Judge recommends. The Judge will usually recommend whatever you ask for. There are rules for transfers and you need to start them yourself, the same for a furlough. These are the kind of things that are routinely handled by the system and don’t require outside assistance. When your relief is denied, it’s really easy for the consultant to simply say that sometimes we lose, but you have a good case and if you pay me some more money, I’ll do the appeal for you too. This is really tossing good money after bad.

Hourly fees are interesting in this area too. Non-licensed professionals shouldn’t be charging $500 an hour plus. In my best year, I charged a few hours on an hourly basis at $150 an hour. A lot for a good lawyer anywhere is $250 an hour, and in downtown Manhattan if you pay $500 an hour, you are spending too much. So if your prison consultant is charging you $500 an hour, it should be a sign and not a good sign.

I’ve also noticed that some fees seem to be variable too. If you are worth millions of dollars, a fee for prison preparation (about 2 days work at best) seems to suddenly increase to $100,000+. For the other poorer people it seems to run $5000+. Currently I charge $1250 plus expenses (subject to change) no matter what your net worth is. If you just read the book I worte, the cost is way less than $100. No sense taking you for your last nickle.

There are going to be a lot of “consultants” who are going to be saying some bad things about me behind their backs. I’m not here to be their friends; I’m here to see you don’t get hurt if I can help it.

Please take a look at my sites at WWW.FedsGotMe.Com and WWW.GettingOutofPrison.Com.

Mark H
Copyright 2009


Does anyone know anything about the US Freedom Foundation in Nashville, TN? It is run by a man named Steve Greenup, a paralegal, who prepares appeals and motions. He did serve time in the BOP and I am skeptical to let him handle this 2255 motion. Any information will be greatly appreciated. 

Petition HR 623

I just spoke with Jaime Woolard. He is very excited that we want to join forces with him in getting this re-introduced and passed. He is going to link our blog from his website. He is also going to give my email should anyone need or want to join our group. He has 92 signatures. His goal is 500,000. We have a lot of work to do.

There are several things that are considered "blood thinners". A daily aspirin, Coumadin...(Heparin and Lovenox are injections in the abdomen, which I doubt they are giving). So, if it's an aspirin or Coumadin... they would be given for an irregular heart beat. An irregular heat beat can cause blood clots to form. The medicine is an attempt to prevent a stroke, heart attack, or treatment for a blood clot that is currently present in the legs, etc. With significant bruising...sounds like Coumadin. That drug requires blood work to determine the correct dosing of the medication. Perhaps you can ask your husband if they are drawing blood. Even if the dose is therapeutic, the bruising is common. Has he ever been told he has a murmur?

These medications do not affect blood pressure.

It is a shame that medications can't be kept consistent...even if it is a generic form of the medication... However, there are several drugs that are similar in their action that it does not cause any ill effect when given as a replacement. I hope that this is his case.

I hope that answers some of your questions...if not. please ask more. Perhaps your husband can provide you with more details on his medications.
Take care,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I just want to compliment all you women who are working so hard and diligently on behalf of your husbands. It takes a strong woman to do the things you do. As I have mentioned to LeeAnn, I feel somewhat out of the loop because I'm not really in your situation (I'm Mark Hrutkay's girlfriend), but know indirectly the challenges you face. Mark and I do talk alot the issues you pursue and I would like to be helpful in some way. I'm a nurse and general good source of information if I can answer any questions on any concerns, related to your husbands or yourselves, please contact me. I am trying to learn about the legistative issues and hope to be able to lend a hand in the process.
Betsy Whitt

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where do we go from here on expungement?


How do we get this introduced and passed? I have emailed Mark for his suggestions, since he is the only one I am aware of in the group that has political savvy. From the little research I have done this morning there are MILLIONS of first time non violent offenders this would help. How do we make them aware that this can be done? I have called and emailed the contact info for Mr. Woolard on the petition site and have not gotten any response. Remember we have no budget. Lets start brainstorming.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I emailed Kenny Linn at Fedcure, asking if Fedcure was working on the second chance act for ex-offenders, this is his response;

We are familiar with the legislation that Rep. Rangel proposed last year, but we have been too busy with the legislation that we feel is more important, so that we have not been in touch with Rangel's office on that one. We will try to get behind it if and when it is reintroduced.

Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Unicor update from Mike

Mike sent me this, he is on the list for a Time-Warner job with unicor.

Passed all my unicor tests today. Mon and Tues have training just to stay on the list. They won't even HAVE any jobs for 3-4 months IF they even get the contract. Good to keep my options open.

"good time" bill

This update is from Fedcure. This bill is not the expungement bill. It will help those with lengthly sentances return home sooner.

Rep. Danny Davis was given the finished product to introduce the "good time" bill about a week and a half ago by his point person. We want everyone to call Rep. Davis' office starting tomorrow morning and ask "When is Rep. Davis going to introduce the good time bill?" The number is 202-225-5006 and speak to anyone that answers the phone. If we can get at least several hundred people to jam the phones tomorrow, I am sure the member will get the message and act. Thank you for your cooperation.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Thursday, January 22, 2009

March Visit

The children, myself, Debbie H and her daughter will be visiting March 19-22. We are staying at Lakeview. We are planning on a birthday celebration for Kim O's son and Debbie's daughter Sat. night. Anyone else who will be there that weekend is welcome to join us.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Petition and Info on HR 623

I came across this website which has a petition to be signed for the Second Chance for Non-Violent First Time Offenders...I signed it, not sure how much good it will do but I figure it can't hurt...
The website is !

Snow in Eastern, NC

This is our "blizzard" that will shut us down for at least two days! LOL. For a girl that grew up in Michigan it is very humorous, even though I have lived here 20 years.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tax Time

Hi everyone!

Terry informed me that I could claim him as a dependent because of the money that is sent for his account. Are any of you aware of this? I'm not a tax professional and don't use a tax service so I'm not certain how to verify this.

I am interested to see your ideas and comments on this.


p.s. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts!

Peanut Butter email from Food Lion Local Grocery

Dear Valued Customer, The FDA is conducting an active investigation into the source of theSalmonella Typhimurium outbreak and has traced a source of thecontamination to a plant owned by Peanut Corporation of America(PCA), which manufactures peanut butter and peanut paste.Food Lion, LLC (including Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar, Reid's andHarveys stores) is working in cooperation with the FDA to pull allproducts that may contain contaminated peanut paste as an ingredient.A number of products containing peanut butter or peanut paste have beenrecalled, including a few from our stores, however, peanut buttersold in jars at our stores is not affected. The peanut butter beingrecalled is sold by PCA in bulk packaging to distributors for institutionalfood service industry use. None of the peanut butter being recalled is solddirectly to consumers through retail stores. Information regarding theongoing recalls can be found at the FDA web site:, we are updating our web site,, with all products we have pulled.

Snow in Eastern NC

I hope you are happy Debbie! LOL! 3-6 inches tonight! We haven't had snow in Washington since 2002. Since this low is coming in off the ocean, I am sure it will come to pass. Probably more than 6". My little ones are excited, as they will have a snow day tomorrow, if they forecast snow they close the schools. Joe has a teacher workday tomorrow anyway. I need to go to the store as I will not get on the roads with these no driving people that live here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Peanut Butter

Hi Ladies,

Well a few posts back we were just talking about how our significant others know us so well that they know when something is wrong. Last night I had a really odd dream, Chance was talking to me while he was eating peanut butter crackers. Let me just say, I can not recall a time ever that I have seen Chance eat anything with peanut butter. SO anyway I wanted to share this email with everyone.

My email to Chance:
ok hun, this may sound silly...but there is salmonella in peanut butter and I had a dream that you were eating those orange crackers with peanut butter on please dont eat anything with peanut butter...LoL! ok so I know u think I am crazy but it was in my dreams hunny!

His reply back:
thats funny hunny because, thats all i could afford from commisary and thats what i have been eating! Ohh well baby, somehow i think i will live! Im on my last pack anyway! Muahzzz i love you!

Now I just think that is just the strangest dream and email ever.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Valentines Day

I know a group of you are talking about going to visit Valentines weekend. I also know that you are talking about staying at the Ramada. How many are going, how many rooms do you think you may need? Cate at Springhill may match their rates, just call her and tell her that the Ramada is letting you have rooms for $89. She may match them. She emailed me this morning thanking us for staying with them over new years and she looks forward to hosting us Fathers Day, or if we need sooner. If you want me to I will call her, since I already have a relationship with her. Let me know. But you guys are big girls, and if you want to handle it that is fine too.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wonderful Husband

I want to share a story with you guys. For those of you who joined us at New Years remember Mark's advice about the guys not living outside the wall. Well Sunday I lost my keys at church. Not a big deal. I got a ride home with a friend. I could not find the spare key to my van, which was at the church. The other keys I can replace, a pain, but it can be done. We happen to have two vehicles, so no problem I'll go to the local dealer on Monday and get a van key. So I go out to get in the truck and the battery is dead. So now I have two vehicles and can't use either one. While I am coming up with a game plan, Mike calls. All I could think about was don't worry him. After he hung up. I got a friends husband over and we replaced the battery. I went Monday and started replacing keys and got my van home. Mike calls monday, about how wierd the phone call was on sunday, what is wrong, he is worried sick. So I told him and he said he would have rather known what my problem was, he could have talked me through it. But, because I did not tell him, he sensed something was wrong and worried all night. So from now on and maybe it's because his time is "short" I will keep him in the loop. Once you guys get to know us, we are very intuned to each other, And usually when something happens he will call me. It is the wierdest thing, in three marriages I have never had a relationship like I do with him.

So tonight I get a call from him, he asked me if I had read the classifieds in our local paper on Tuesday. I said no, I don't read the classifieds, and he knows this. Well there is an add for lost keys that were found and he called to give me the number. I was just amazed that with all he is dealing with in there, that my lost keys where important to him. I love and miss him so much.

March Visit

I don't have a date yet. I am planning on leaving here on a Thursday afternoon. I will know more after next week. I am taking all three kids. Transportation my be an issue as far as sharing a vehicle. Let me see what I can come up with.

Valentine' s Day Visit 09

Has anyone heard if we can visit on Feb 16th since that is a federal holiday? I am trying to shoot for a trip up there. Anyone want to ride along and split costs? Let me know. IF i don't get any takers, then I might just drive up through the night on Friday..get a room for Sat and Sun night and come home after visitation on Monday. I might be traveling with my 10 year old daughter. I was informed that I get to see Greg more than she does and she will not be left at home again. We will see who wins that war!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Western Union

I've been trying to send Brandon some money via Western Union online and am having a problem. When they ask who the funds are going to, they have a space for First Name, Last Name, City Code and State Code. I have all this information from Brandon, but there is no way to put his register number in there. The Name spaces will not accept numbers. Anyone ever done this, and if so, how? Thanks.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

H.R. 623: Second Chance Act for Ex-Offenders

This is the bill that Rep. Rangel of NY submitted in 2007, it died in committee. I just spoke with his DC office and they plan to resubmit next week for this session. It will be given a new number, and keep the same title, just the year will change. Once he has submitted it, we need to contact our representatives and encourge them to co-sponsor it. You can read the full text at

Once the new version is presented I will post the new title and number.

Father Day 08

I wanted to share these with you guys.

Thank You

I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We dropped David off this morning and I didn't want him or my children to see me break down. I haven't had a moment yet to absorb my emotions but I don't know how long I can keep strong. My heart is breaking and I don't know how to handle this. I want to curl in a ball and cry until I have no more tears to shed. I want my husband here with me! I want to see his face when I wake in the morning, I want to feel his hands touch my face and kiss my forehead. I know it will get better. I have to stay strong for David and our boys. My goodness this is hard.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Susan and Tish

Just wanted to let you guys I am thinking of you. You will get through this night. If you need anything feel free to contact me.

Deacon John

Deacon John just called back. He is in a volunteer capcitity and not an official with BoP. He was told that he is not allowed to contact us in regards to our loved ones, and that with us talking about this issue could cause him to lose his volunteer status. He is going to the facility tomorrow at 2. Anyone who would like to speak about this with him or his staff needs to put in a cop-out to attend faith formation with Deacon John Sarraga. I am not sure what the offical name of the session is, but I am sure it is on the clipboards in the units. If we have any issues in the future we need to contact the facility directly. That is such BS! I will still contact Deacon John directly as I see fit, he said that was fine with him, he just had to inform me of what they told him. He wasn't real pleased with the fact that no had contacted his office concerning this. So, anyway let your guys know, tomorrow at 2.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

SHU incident

Hi everyone,

We have all been fielding calls and emails from our loved ones on this issue. As many of you know the "Chaplin" for the protestants there is also a CO, thus making it hard for the guys to trust him. I have spoken in the past with Deacon Sarraga at the Charleston-Wheeling diocese for the Catholic Church prison ministeries. They have priests that have nothing to do with the BoP system come in twice a week and perform services and counseling. I have contacted him, leaving a voice mail as he is not in the office on the weekends. I am sure that he will make sure that an outside minister is made available for our guys to talk with should they want or need to. They do not have to be catholic to speak with him. I will let you guys know when he will or another minister from the diocese will be available so you can pass it along to your guys. They will need to put in a cop-out asking to meet with him.

First Visit

Ok my dear friends. First visit went really well. Sam is really doing well and he teared up once and that was when he was talking about you LeeAnn and all the ladies and our men. He said that was the best thing we could have done. How wonderful all of your men have been to him even if he hasn't met every single person, he has heard from all. It was very laid back and Becky was their so that helped. It really is laid back the only problem we had well two really was my son wore an hoody and he had to change and put on a coat and Samantha had a hat because of snow (HELLO, Winter in WV 5 year old). So no big deal I just ran it back to the car in the cold and snow up those steps. I have alittle Mazda nothing fancy but my key flips out of the holder that you lock and unlock the car with. So the young bald guy with a limp kept questioning me about it so I showed him and told him he could keep it and he said no its just seems like a fancy car and I did say somthing alittle smart "Why do you think my husband is in here, so I can afford fancy cars". I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't resist . Just Call me Mike LOL. HE jsut kind of looked at me from then on. Anyway their were many kids their and my kids seemed to have a good time they were all over their daddy so I didn't get much time with him but that was fine. Christian my 8 year old left and said that was kind of fun. So that made me feel better. When we got home I said see we made it this isn't bad at all. Christian looked at me and said it's still bad I miss daddy sitting in that chair when we get home. So I told him it won't be for long.
The kids enjoyed the vending machines and Sam enjoyed the orange juice. I didn't eat because I was afraid we were going to run out of money and I didn't want that to happen. Ok girls I have a little drama queen screaming right now trying to get ready for a pool party. love to you all.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Susan and Trish

I just wanted to let you guys know you are in my thoughts this weekend. The guys will be watching for David and Josh on Monday. If you have any questions, please ask. You are not alone. Enjoy this weekend.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok everyone I should have listened because, the hotmail does not work. At least it didn't for the kids and I. I had to open us all three a yahoo account and it went through instantly.
With hotmail in order to answer the email to confirm I had to go through Outlook express and it would not work. So just so everyone knows it didn't work for us. Thanks again for your prayers not having the best evening because it is snowing and we are stuck in the house. Love to you all.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rainy Evening

Just talked to my sweetheart for our 10 minutes...but I am thankful to hear from him everyday, even if only for one minute. We have been apart for 3 1/2 months now and that is hard to believe. I am glad to have finally made it to the blog. I am here for all of you, anytime you need me. You guys are like little vitamins for me. Each one giving me strength to go on another day. I have God, and so does my husband. But is great to add all you angels to my support system, and to be one of your angels, too. I am going to Morgantown this Friday evening and Saturday. Hope to see some of you there visiting your loved ones. Take care, and God bless all of you...Becky

Team Meeting

Well Chance had his TEAM meeting...what a waste of time...still no HWH date...I mean why even bother getting together and wasting time (not like he has anything better to do)...All they said is he is doing good and hasn't been in any trouble...well Geez I could have told them that, who the hell wants to do anything wrong and risk spending one extra minute in that place let alone loosing good time or getting more time....and EASTER is not a holiday, who in the world ever heard of that...I bet the employees get holiday pay for Easter though...Ok sorry I turned this into a whining session...Gotta love the federal government.

MTW roster

I have updated the roster. I sent it to everyone by email. check your info, let me know if I need to make corrections. If you want information removed let me know. I will not send it through the blog or any other site. Since, I am on that subject please do not post personal information on the blog such as phone numbers and addresses, safety first.

Fathers Day

From Kim Hagerman

Okay everyone! Get out your planners!

Fathers Day is Sunday, June 21st this year. And like last year a few of us are wanting to get together while we get to visit our men.

This is a good thing on so many levels. I have three children, last year when we met Lee Ann and Tara there is was a great experience for my children to meet and become friends with other children in a same situation.

Plus the friends that we make! And it only helps each of us get through this trying time.

I am going to get a block of rooms at the Springhill Suites, the same place many of you stayed over New Years. Lee Ann said it was a good place. And close to FCI.

So please let me know who all can make it so I can get the right amount of rooms. I will be calling the hotel in the next couple of days to see what kind of rate we can get.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Home, Lee Ann and Others!

So glad you had a wonderful time and made it home safely. I'm sure it was a bittersweet visit, but it had to do you all a world of good.

We're going up to see Brandon this coming weekend. We'll leave from home late Friday afternoon, stay over, and be there first thing on Saturday. We'll then return Saturday afternoon. We're fortunate that the drive is 3 1/2 hours. Not exactly just up the street, but doable.

We've spoken to him a couple of times and he seems a little better each time. He's looking forward to meeting with his counselor who has been on vacation during the holidays. That is schedule for today (Monday). He's also looking forward to getting his tennis shoes so he can start working out! I'm sure once a routine starts, he'll be much better off.

He'll be on the lookout for Sam, Kim. It would be nice for the two newest guys to be in the same building (Gerard).

If anyone is going to be there on Saturday, January 10th, let me know and we'll try to meet up.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Glad I made it to the blog! I have told you before, I am so grateful for having found you all. Although I have family and friends who are very supportive, they cannot understand exactly what I am feeling - but I know that you do understand and it helps me get through this difficult time. Best wishes to all, Sheila

Some good resources

Charlie Rangel (D) New York Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2007 (Expungement) HR 623

I have tried to contact Mr. Rangel's offices in DC and NY, with no answer. I have also tried to email him from his website, I do not have an address from his district and it will not go through. I am trying to find out if he is working on reintroducing this bill in the coming session or future sessions. As we discussed last night, this is probably the best legislation in the "works" currently for most of our guys. It appears that this is not being pursued by anyone in congress at this time.

Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)
HR 623 IH
1st Session
H. R. 623
To permit expungement of records of certain nonviolent criminal offenses.
January 22, 2007
Mr. RANGEL introduced this bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E257)
Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1644)

This bill never became law. This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Strong Ladies

I have just had the honor of spending two evenings with some very strong and wonderful ladies. I can only hope that I can be as strong and have the faith that these ladies have. I am honored to be in the presence of these wonderful ladies. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). God Bless each of you.

Fedcure Bop Rules 2ca and HWH


You recently sent out a copy of the new rule issued by the BOP implimenting the community confinement and Home detention requirements included in the "Second Chance Act". The rule Provides among other things in sSection 570.22. that: " Inmates will be considered for pre-release community confinement in a manner consistent with 18 U.S.C. section 3621(b), determined on an individual bases and of sufficient duration to provide the greatest likelihood of successful reintegration into the community , within the time-frames set forth in this part." The time frames set forth in section 570.21state: "......a portion of the final months of that term (not to exceed 12 months), under conditions that will afford that prisoneer a reasonable apportunity to adjust to and prepare for the reentry of that prisoner into the community." It also states: "The authority under this subsection may be used to place a prisoner in home confinement for the shorter of 10 percent of the term of imprisonment of that prisoner or 6 months." As of today the BOP staff is still informing all prisoners that the BOP is not considering any prisoner for more than 6 months community confinement. In other words the BOP is ignoring both the "Second Chance Act" and it's own regulation. Would you please make some effort to get compliance with these provisions which were clearly the intent of congress when it passed the "Second Chance Act". There really are circumstances where the added time in the community would be of great benefit in helping some of us re- integrate. PLEASE HELP!!! AN ANSWER WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! !!!


We are of the same opinion as you. Unfortunately, the Director of the BOP feels that inmates do not need more than 6 months HWH and we have been unable to dissuade him otherwise. The ABA and FAMM have published a well-researched letter in response to the arguments the BOP made in their Federal Register notice.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years in Morgantown

What a wonderful visit! Dinner was great, we missed everyone that was not able to make it. Sam and Kim are a wonderful couple. I look forward to tomorrow evening. Brandon has been assigned to Gerard unit, word has it that he is doing okay.

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