Wednesday, May 27, 2009

HR 1529

Tommy is working on getting a central site for all of to get on the same page with all this. There are at least half a dozen groups that are trying to get support for this. We need to unite. If anyone has any ideas, please pass them along.


Great visit over the weekend. Very hot. Very busy on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday there was a young girl using a cell phone in the bathroom. A lady told the CO and all he did was take the cell phone and let them continue to visit. What is up with that?? Had it been us we would have gotten bounced out so fast. There is no uniformity with visitation at MT. Good thing Shaw wasn't there. They have changed the rules so you now have to sign out when you leave.

A suggestion was made to write letters to the warden about the air conditioning. It was awful this weekend.

Any thoughts??


Friday, May 15, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Kim H, her children, myself and my children will be staying at Springhill Suites. We are planning on cooking out Saturday night. Any one who will be there that night is welcome to join us. My number is on the roster. Give me a call or send me an email for specifics. It is always fun when we get together on Sat afternoon/evening after visitation.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

going to Morgantown This Weekend

Anyone going to be in MT this weekend. I will be there Saturday and Sunday.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Food At M'Town

This email was on Fedcure this morning. Does anyone have any info? Mike avoids the chow hall, so I have no info to pass along on this one. Kylee is new to our group and I have not received permission to add her to our group email list or blog.

From Kylee to Fedcure:
My husband has e-mailed stating that they are rationing the food at Morgantown drastically. Is there a reason for this? He said that the portions are so small that it wouldn't satisfy a small child. Is this legal, and can we do anything about this?

HR 1529

Now that Richard is on board, let's find someone else to help too. There is strength in numbers! I was watching the Today show yesterday and Donald Trump was on promoting the Apprentice. They also asked him about the fiasco with Miss. California. They made the statement that he is a strong believer in second chances. Which made me think, maybe? Does anyone have time to get me a contact email or address to write to for him?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Father's Day weekend

Is everyone still staying at Spring Hill...I haven't made my reservation yet and just wondering what everyone else is dong?

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to say Mother's Day to all! I hope everyone has a nice day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Here is another site to sign a petition for HR 1529.

It will also send a letter for you to your congressmen and senators.

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