Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I will be in Morgantown this weekend if anyone is going let me know.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Gavin is wanting me to send him a wedding band, Since the one he had could not go with him since it had diamonds. So I went out and bought a plain one, I called and asked if it was OK to send one and they said yes! My dilemma is how do I ship it? I know they are strict about packaging. Any Ideas? Also what is the best way to ship a book? I have heard of others having theirs returned due to packaging. Thanks.. Jamie

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

visitation form

Double click and it will go to full size, so you can print it.


Bob called and said someone told him that the 65% bill had passed per CNN News. I can't find anything. Anybody know???


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Visiting forms

Ok so when visiting we have to fill out these forms to get in, I see people walk in with them already in hand and I tried to take one home with me and the CO on duty told me to put it back. Is there a web site where I can print them out or can someone email me a copy to print. It's always nice to get in just a few minutes earlier and not wait in line to fill our that form. Thanks Jamie.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rep Davis introduces HR 1475


H.R.1475 Title: To amend title 18, United States Code, to restore the former system of good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] (introduced 3/12/2009) Cosponsors (11) Latest Major Action: 3/12/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

COSPONSORS(11), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] - 3/12/2009
Rep Christensen, Donna M. [VI] - 3/12/2009
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 3/12/2009
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7] - 3/12/2009
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 3/12/2009
Rep Green, Al [TX-9] - 3/12/2009
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice [TX-30] - 3/12/2009
Rep Lewis, John [GA-5] - 3/12/2009
Rep Rush, Bobby L. [IL-1] - 3/12/2009
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 3/12/2009
Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 3/12/2009

If you would like to read the bill, please go to www.thomas.gov and search bill number hr 1475.

This bill has been refered to the judiciary committee of the house, it has to get through that before being submitted for a vote on the floor of the house. Of the 435 members of the house 12 publicly support this bill.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sue said

I am so happy for you and your family. Although we are just starting this journey, that feeling most be the most wonderful feeling in all the world. Better than winning the lottery! And you are right , the fog just does'nt seem to lift. I think theres rain in there too. Congrats!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Steve had a team meeting today, and he was given his tentative release date. It is October 18th, 2009. He called me right after he got out of the meeting, and we could both barely talk we were so emotional. It is still 7 months away, but it is so awesome to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Before finding out a date, it just seems like fog in the distance.

Time truly is passing. Somedays it seems like time has stopped, and then some days it is suddenly Friday again...if you know what I mean, and I am sure you girls know exactly what I mean. Anyway, we finally have a date...Praise God!

October will be a very big month for my family. My oldest son's birthday is October 5th, and my youngest son and his wife are expecting a baby, due October 14th. My 3rd son is in a Christian rehab, and will graduate on October 30th, after one year...WOW!!!!!!! I can hardly wait. I think all of us know that this will be over one day. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I am looking forward to March 21st, and our huge birthday celebration, and get together. I can't wait...Love to you all, and thank you for letting me share my joy with you...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am soooo frustrated between the money orders I sent Chance not arriving and western union....I can not even send money online, for some reason it keeps saying that I have exceeded the amount of money I am allowed to send per month...I was only trying to send $100 and I have only sent $120 through western union in February...there is NOOOOOOOOOO way that is the limit...I have sat over and over again on the phone and doing the online chat with a repesentative and got no where....they can't even tell me what the limit is for my state or how long this will show up for....closing the account and reopening hasn't solved a thing and neither has starting a whole new account with a different email....so finally this morning I sent the money through them on the phone which cost me $17.95...I had to send enough for Chance to get shoes from commissary since his shoes fell apart last week....Uhhhh this stuff is such a headache....I sure won't miss the BOP or anything to do with it when this crap is over!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


One of our members is dealing with her loved one being in the SHU and they are looking at being transfered up. I don' t know much about that area of BoP policies. If any of you have experiences with the SHU or beign in transit and could share your experiences it may be helpful not only to her but, God forbid, one of us in the future.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The new warden

Just a little positive thing. My husband Sam put in a copout to the new warden about putting pump soap in the visitors bathroom. Well he got called to that building and he went up thinking what in the world is going on. (maybe they made a mistake and are letting me go) lol. Anyways so he was led back to the visitors bathroom and even was thanked by the warden for bringing this to his attention. So ladies we now have pump soap instead of the bars. So last night Becky and I tried out the new soap. The bad news is they still have the bars out. Why? I have no idea. Now lets see if they keep them filled. Enjoy the nice day at least it is here in WV for a change. Kim O.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm back!!!

I apologize that I havent really been keeping up with the blog the past few weeks. My laptop crashed so I have mainly been checking my email from my cell.

So on to my question...Is anyone else having an issue with money orders posting? I have sent 2 money orders that have not posted to Chance's account and have not been returned to me. I am going to see if the post office can track them but just wondering if anyone else is having problems. I have sent western union in the mean time, but I already put the 3rd money order in the mail before realizing that he hasn't received the other 2. I can't win for anything, I stopped using western union because of the problems I kept running in to and now a problem with the money orders, Uhhhhhhh!

Also welcome to all of our new friends!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thanks for the welcome

Hello to my new friends My name is Sue Hall, and Iam like all of you a firsrt timer. I really appreciate the blog. I found out about the phones being down and the money transfer being down. At first, I thought Tim had not paid his court cost soon enough or something, but my fears were laid to rest. My husband is Mikes bunkmate and cant say thanks enough for the help he has given him as he makes his way around. We have 2 girls 16 and 18. Maddie is 18 and she graduates this spring. Thata going to be hard without her Dad. Shes pretty strong, but loves her Dad. Mary is 16 and she is having the most trouble with her Dad being gone. My heart aches for her. I think she is still angry at her Dad, but miises him more. They are a great supprt for me, as we are standing behind him 100%. I am so glad to hear his voice at night and Thank God for e-mail. I would love to join you guys on the 21st but we in the middle selling our house, and moving. Hopefully on Fathers Day. I cant wait to meet you all. Take Care all

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I pray the phones get back on today...If anyone gets a call from their loved one can you let me know? Today is our daughters 5th b-day and if she does not get a call from her daddy she will be really upset.
Thank you, Jamie

FedCure on Expungement

This is a copy of the email that Mark H. sent to the moderator for FedCure, and his repsonse.

-- P51MSTG@aol. com wrote:Kenny: Have you ever thought of trying to explain to the Congressmen that SOMEDAY they may well end up needing this bill? (Bob Ney, Randy Cunningham could have used it)......... ... More importantly, HOW ABOUT EXPUNGING RECORDS on non violent offenders so we can get on with our lives without a FELONY hanging over our heads (again helps out Congressmen too)...... Lastly, I've worked with State Legislature a LOT and I know they have a habit of passing things that seem to help them personally (IE it was hard to pass the bills the FEDS required for lowering DUI to .08 since the members of the Legislature may be caught driving drunk)...... ... On the EXPUNGEMENT Bill you can get a WHOLE LOT of people interested in that. I mean people with money and power who want their records cleaned up. You would get an answer back from Martha Stewart then, as well as quite a few others...... Also the expungement allows people to work for decent wages and pay more in TAXES (since they can get a better job) which gives you a REVENUE component to the legislation instead of a simple expenditure reduction. It gives you a way to actually make them "PAY" their debt to society by working and paying taxes. Also on expungement, these people are ALREADY out on the street and nobody "is releasing Felons" which looks bad during elections. Think about it for a minute. It makes a LOT MORE sense than you may realize..... .. Mark Hrutkay, JD, MBA In a message dated 3/2/2009 10:14:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, khl9@juno.com writes:Yes, we have already thought of that.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Expungement bills have appeared in every session for quite some time and gone nowhere. I don't feel it would be very fruitful to warn legislators that they may end up in jail. Nobody thinks that until the time comes.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My man in Morgantown

Hello everybody i'm very new to all these things,i'm very far from the states and i got my man in Morgantown. Today i wanna share with you my joys coz this morning on my way to work he called me,,you can really imagine my joys we've talked after 1 month usually we used to chat everyday for me and everynight for him.Now i need to work on the fact that i need to be in the states for him.If anyone got a similar experience that you can share with me..Thanks and have all a good day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thanks Kim O.!

Kim arranged for toys to be donated through St. John's, to the toy room at M'town. Thank you Kim, I am sure the kids are enjoying them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good Time Bill

I am sure that most of you know about the "Good Time Bill" being introduced this Thursday March 5. I was just wondering how everyone feels about this, and if anyone here knows much about bills, how long they take to get through all of the committee's and such. The reason why I ask, is that my husband isn't going to get out until 2013 and we have a infant son. We aren't able to go see him as often and such. Even if he gets 1-2 years off. On the FEDCure site they say that hardly anyone knows about it and that these kinds of places are there for us and our loved ones. I guess I want to say, how do we get the word out, what are you doing to get the word out? Thanks.

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