Monday, February 7, 2011

36 days

Hi everyone,
Well I can't believe I am writing this but I am...... 36 days and the next phase starts. As far as I am concerned it is then end. I know it will not be easy and we still have a lot of adjusting and rules to follow. But at least he will be 10 mins from us and home on weekends and it just feels really good.
I hope that everyone realizes what a bond we have all formed. I don't know everyone on here but I am close to many. It has been a long journey and I fell such relief that I had you guys to do it with. I call us the fab 5: LeeAnn, Melanie, Becky, Debbie and myself. What a trip and once again I am glad I met each and everyone one of you. I know when they get out and home it seems like their is not enough time to keep up with the blog and message boards. I also feel bad because I feel as if I'm not helping the new people as much as I should but it is really hard. It is almost like I relive the first visit all over again and I can't do it. We are lucky because we have three great CO's to end our visiting. I know it seems hard to believe but they are really nice guys to us and to him. Also though we give them no reason to not be nice to us. I am not going to pretend this has been easy and that it gets easier as time goes. That said it really does become more tolerable (don't know if thats a word but it is my word). You become a stronger person for all the turmoil that is surrounding you.
I had a nice lady come up to me about three weeks ago and said I see you every Friday here and I just love to see how you light up when you see your husband. She said you just light up and it is so nice to see that. Another inmate my husbands friend told him that I looked so happy this Sunday when we were together and him and his wife didn't want to bother us. I am very emotional now and so is he. This I swear is the hardest time yet for both of us. Anyway I feel like I am rambling.

So I guess I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support, phone calls, meetings, birthday parties, and eating out together. I do love each of you and it will always be that way regardless if we ever see each other again. (of course Becky you are not getting rid of me..... we live too close).

I love you all please take care and I will be checking back in. Also I will try and give you updates. Peace to all

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