Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Halfway House Update

Well, after completing 2 weeks my friend can have a weekend pass to go home with his family! His attorney is bringing him his car with the required documentation: registration, insurance and proof the insurance has been paid. We're not sure what kind of driving priveleges he will be allowed, but I'm fairly convinced it will be in connection with a job. The vehicles are kept in a fenced secured lot, which is comforting considering the section of town the halfway house is in. That's it for the update. He's officially completed his first week. :)


leeann1963 said...

My question is....Are there any HWH's in a good part of town? Wouldn't that be a nice change?

leeann1963 said...

The light at the end of the tunnel finally. I am so glad you guys are doing well.

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