Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Hello, everyone! My name is Kim and I am new to this blog and unfortunately to this situation. My husband self surrendered to FCI Morgantown on February 13th. I was able to visit him the very next day on the 14th and 15th and was very lucky to have met a few of you wonderful ladies. I am very scared, sad, nervous, mad, upset, angry, and just about every other emotion a person can possibly feel. I have a 7 year old daughter and a 8 year old step-daughter. Like everyone else, my life has been turned upside down and inside out. I love my husband very very much and am 100% committed to standing by him and keeping our family together. We live very far away but are fortunate enough to have my inlaws in Pittsburgh PA, which is only about 45 minutes from the camp. I appreciate any and all advice at this point as I am completely clueless. I am still in shock over the costs and expenses of my husband being in there. The phone expenses alone are crazy!


Shellie W said...

Hi Kim,
My husband self surrendered in September for a 5 year sentence. We just visited this last weekend. Our family is trying to hold on to the good and not the bad, and trust me the bad sneeks up on you quickly. When he left our son was 4 months. We live 355 miles from the prison, so pretty far but as I understand that is pretty minimal compared to others that I have talked to. We write pretty much every day and go through our minutes(trying to budget those better)But nothing compares to the touch and feel of them being there. So, if you need a should to cry to or someone just to vent all of your frustrations to, I am here. email me at AzureBlue148@yahoo.com

Debbie said...

Kim, I have emailed you what I do for the phone part. I am sure I will be talking to you soon about it in more detail. My fiance did not self surrender, so we went from holding hands, to sentencing, to him being ushered from the room in handcuffs and not being able to hug him goodbye. Just like Shellie, if you ever need to vent or whatever, please email or call me! ((HUGS))..IT will be okay and WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS!!!!

Unknown said...

Kim, My name is Jamie and my husband SS on Oct 29th for a 13 month sentence. All the emotions are still with me, They dont go away but they do subside when you get into a new routine. I have 2 girls as well, Ages 4 and 7. They are actually taking it better than me but they also think Daddy is at school. We dont get to visit very often because we live 8 hours away. If you need any advise or need to vent please email me at Gavinandjamie@yahoo.com
Just as Debbie said We will all get through this!

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