Wednesday, March 4, 2009

FedCure on Expungement

This is a copy of the email that Mark H. sent to the moderator for FedCure, and his repsonse.

-- P51MSTG@aol. com wrote:Kenny: Have you ever thought of trying to explain to the Congressmen that SOMEDAY they may well end up needing this bill? (Bob Ney, Randy Cunningham could have used it)......... ... More importantly, HOW ABOUT EXPUNGING RECORDS on non violent offenders so we can get on with our lives without a FELONY hanging over our heads (again helps out Congressmen too)...... Lastly, I've worked with State Legislature a LOT and I know they have a habit of passing things that seem to help them personally (IE it was hard to pass the bills the FEDS required for lowering DUI to .08 since the members of the Legislature may be caught driving drunk)...... ... On the EXPUNGEMENT Bill you can get a WHOLE LOT of people interested in that. I mean people with money and power who want their records cleaned up. You would get an answer back from Martha Stewart then, as well as quite a few others...... Also the expungement allows people to work for decent wages and pay more in TAXES (since they can get a better job) which gives you a REVENUE component to the legislation instead of a simple expenditure reduction. It gives you a way to actually make them "PAY" their debt to society by working and paying taxes. Also on expungement, these people are ALREADY out on the street and nobody "is releasing Felons" which looks bad during elections. Think about it for a minute. It makes a LOT MORE sense than you may realize..... .. Mark Hrutkay, JD, MBA In a message dated 3/2/2009 10:14:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Yes, we have already thought of that.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

Expungement bills have appeared in every session for quite some time and gone nowhere. I don't feel it would be very fruitful to warn legislators that they may end up in jail. Nobody thinks that until the time comes.Kenny Linn, J.D., LL.M.Chairman, FedCure

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