Saturday, March 7, 2009

The new warden

Just a little positive thing. My husband Sam put in a copout to the new warden about putting pump soap in the visitors bathroom. Well he got called to that building and he went up thinking what in the world is going on. (maybe they made a mistake and are letting me go) lol. Anyways so he was led back to the visitors bathroom and even was thanked by the warden for bringing this to his attention. So ladies we now have pump soap instead of the bars. So last night Becky and I tried out the new soap. The bad news is they still have the bars out. Why? I have no idea. Now lets see if they keep them filled. Enjoy the nice day at least it is here in WV for a change. Kim O.


leeann1963 said...

The reason the bars are out is that it is probably in the directives to have them. They probably have them in stock and need to use them up. I am sure inmates stock the restrooms, and if it is in the directions to have bar soap then that is why it is still there. That would also mean that if the directions don't say fill the soap dispensers then, they proabably won't do it. We will have wait and see. Hopefully someone thought the whole process through and they change the directives.

Unknown said...

YEAH!!! I was very weary of using the bar soap. lol WTG SAM!

May Day said...

Kim, thank Sam again for me. It was almost like being in a normal Becky

Melanie said...

WooooooooooHooooooooooo!!! Thanks to my "UNCLE" Sam...Chance told me my uncle took care of the problem that needed to be fixed in the bathroom...Didn't know what the heck that code meant...silly me, I should have figured since that was my biggest complaint!

ksolivio said...

How Funny!!!!!! I know it is so hard to figure out what they are saying sometimes.

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