Thursday, March 12, 2009


Steve had a team meeting today, and he was given his tentative release date. It is October 18th, 2009. He called me right after he got out of the meeting, and we could both barely talk we were so emotional. It is still 7 months away, but it is so awesome to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Before finding out a date, it just seems like fog in the distance.

Time truly is passing. Somedays it seems like time has stopped, and then some days it is suddenly Friday again...if you know what I mean, and I am sure you girls know exactly what I mean. Anyway, we finally have a date...Praise God!

October will be a very big month for my family. My oldest son's birthday is October 5th, and my youngest son and his wife are expecting a baby, due October 14th. My 3rd son is in a Christian rehab, and will graduate on October 30th, after one year...WOW!!!!!!! I can hardly wait. I think all of us know that this will be over one day. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I am looking forward to March 21st, and our huge birthday celebration, and get together. I can't wait...Love to you all, and thank you for letting me share my joy with you...


Unknown said...

That is such exciting news Becky!!! That 7 month will come quick now that you have a date to look forward to.

leeann1963 said...

That is wonderful!

kymbrle said...

That is really great! I am so envious! I can't wait until we can see that light at the end of the tunnel. Your exactly right, it is just an unconprehendable fog until you can actually have a date to look forward to. I am very happy for you and your family, congrats! It will be so nice to move forward with your lives and get beyond the BOP! I can't wait until we have a date to count down to!

Mom said...

Becky, I'm so happy for you and Steve! I know Brandon will miss him terribly, but it's all good. See you next week! Carole

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